Resolution 2018-08
Resolution 2018-07
Resolution 2018-06 Interfund Loan
Resolution 2018-05 Public Records Procedures
Resolution 2018-04 TIP
Resolution 2018-03 Citizen Participation Guidelines
Resolution 2018-02 VEBA
Resolution 2017-06 County CDBG Consortium
Resolution 2017-05 Local Agency Agreement Argonne Congestion Relief
Resolution 2017-04 2018-2023 Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 2017-03 WUTC Grant Agreement Extension
Resolution 2017-02 Public Participation Riverway Parcels
Resolution 2017-01 Union Pacific Railroad Crossing Agreement
Resolution 16-19 Setting Water and Sewer Rates
Resolution 16-18 Authorizing Mayor’s Signature for DOT Grant
Resolution 16-17 Authorizing Purchase of Real Property
Resolution 16-16 Identifying Tax Levy for 2017
Resolution 16-15 Renewal of SCRAPS Interlocal Agreement
Resolution 16-14 Property Tax Levy for 2017
Resolution 16-13
Resolution 16-12 WUTC Grade Crossing Protective Fund Grant
Resolution 16-11 In Support of STA Proposition 1
Resolution 16-10 Financial Policies
Resolution 16-09 Surplus Property
Resolution 16-08 Spokane County Human Rights Task Force
Resolution 16-07 STA Moving Forward
Resolution 16-06 Pavement Cut Policy
Resolution 16.05 Transportation Improvement Program 2017-2022
Resolution 16-04 Travel Reimbursement
Resolution 16-03 Utility Billing Policies
Resolution 16-02 Membership in Joint National Powers Alliance
Resolution 16-01 HRA/VEBA Policy
Resolution 15-12 Cost Allocation Policy
Resolution 15-11 Water Rates
Resolution 15-10 Resolution for Property Tax Increase 2016
Resolution 15-09 Findings for Marijuana Business Moratorium
Resolution 15-08 Small and Attractive Asset Policy
Resolution 15-07 Ad Valorem Tax Levy Certification 2016
Resolution 15-06 WSDOT Advance Construction Authorization for Millwood Trail
Resolution 15-05 Employee Handbook
Resolution 15-04 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 15-03 Adoption of Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and Flow Control Ordinance
Resolution 15-02 Historic Preservation Commission Rules of Procedure
Resolution 15-01 Utility Accounting Policies
Resolution 14-13 Sewer Rates
Resolution 14-12 Identifying Tax Levy Increase – Revised
Resolution 14-11 Setting Ad Valorem Tax Levy for 2015 – Revised
Resolution 14-10 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 14-09 Identifying Tax Increase for 2015
Resolution 14-08 Setting Ad Valorem Tax Levy for 2015
Resolution 14-07 Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County – Solid Waste
Resolution 14-06 Charges for Photocopies
Resolution 14-05 Declaration of Surplus Property
Resolution 14-04 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2015-2020
Resolution 14-03 Accepting Ecology’s Changes to Shoreline Master Program
Resolution 14-02 Authorization to Aceept Credit Card Payments
Resolution 14-01 Interlocal Agreement for Animal Control Services
Resolution 13-13 Identifying Property Tax Increase for 2014 – revised
Resolution 13-12 2014 Property (Ad Valorem) Tax Levy – revised
Resolution 13-11 Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area
Resolution 13-10 Identifying Property Tax Increase for 2014
Resolution 13-09 2014 Property (Ad Valorem) Tax Levy
Resolution 13-08 AWC Employee Health Benefit Trust Interlocal Agreement
Resolution 13-07 Moratorium on Marijuana Uses – Findings
Resolution 13-06 Designation of Official Newspaper
Resolution 13-05 Amending Small Public Works Roster Process
Resolution 13-04 Adopting Employee Manual
Resolution 13-03 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 13-02 Felts Field Air Traffic Control Funding
Resolution 13-01 Shoreline Master Program
Resolution 12-19 Spokane Transit Authority Board Representative
Resolution 12-18 Spokane County Animal Control Agreement
Resolution 12-17 Amending Six Year Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 12-16 Water and Sewer Rates
Resolution 12-15 Credit Card Use Policy
Resolution 12-14 Identifying 2013 Property Tax Increase
Resolution 12-13 2013 Ad Valorem Tax Levy
Resolution 12-12 VEBA Policy
Resolution 12-11 Declaration of Surplus Property
Resolution 12-10 Increasing Utility Cash Drawer
Resolution 12-09 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan
Resolution 12-08 Emergency Management Services Interlocal Agreement
Resolution 12-07 Grant of License to Sustainable Works
Resolution 12-06 Water Rates
Resolution 12-05 Alley Vacation, Block 6 Millwood Addition
Resolution 12-04 Information Facility Policy
Resolution 12-03 Purchasing and Bidding Policy
Resolution 12-02 Spokane Transit Authority Representative
Resolution 12-01 Spokane County Animal Control Services Agreement
Resolution 11-17 Interlocal Agreement with Spokane County Sheriff for Law Enforcement Services
Resolution 11-16 Revision of City Boundary Line on Vista Road and Bessie Road
Resolution 11-15 Identifying 2012 Property Tax Increase
Resolution 11-14 2012 Ad Valorem Tax Levy
Resolution 11-13 Adopting Findings for Medical Marijuana Moratorium
Resolution 11-12 State Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Agreement
Resolution 11-11 Multijurisdictional Agreement with Spokane County for Sewage Pretreatment
Resolution 11-10 Washington Cities Insurance Authority Interlocal Agreement
Resolution 11-09 Utility Service Fees
Resolution 11-08 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
Resolution 11-07 Business Expense Policy (non-travel)
Resolution 11-05 Composition of STA Board
Resolution 11-04 Renewal of County Animal Services Contract
Resolution 11-03 Planning Fees
Resolution 11-02 Spokane County Building Services Agreement
Resolution 11-01 Adopting Emergency Management Plan
Resolution 10-15 Water and Sewer Rates
Resolution 10-14 Declaration of Surplus Property
Resolution 10-13 Identifying 2011 Property Tax Increase
Resolution 10-12 2011 Ad Valorem Tax Levy
Resolution 10-11 SRTC Interlocal Agreement
Resolution 10-10 Utility Billing Policies
Resolution 10-09 Small Works Roster
Resolution 10-07 Water Use Efficiency Goal
Resolution 10-06 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan