What kind of local government is Millwood?
The City of Millwood is organized as a non-charter code city of the State of Washington. It was incorporated in 1927. The City uses the mayor-council form of government, with the mayor as the chief executive officer. To learn more about Millwood’s form of government, go to the Municipal Research Services Center here.
How did Millwood get its name?
“Millwood” was created by combining parts of the names Woodard and Mill, from the local paper mill.
What are the boundaries of Millwood?
Millwood’s corporate boundaries are Butler Road to the East, Spokane River to the North, Vista Road to the West (except the High School), and Trent Avenue to the South.
When is leaf pick up?
Leaves raked out to the edge of the street will be picked up every fall, approximately from mid October through mid November.
Where is the nearest public library?
Millwood is serviced by the Spokane County Library system. A branch library is located on Argonne Road and Upriver Drive (893-8260); the main branch is located in Spokane Valley at 12004 E Main Ave. (893-8400). Millwood residents can also obtain library cards at the Spokane Library in downtown Spokane.
Where is the nearest U.S. Post Office?
U.S. Post Offices are located at 2020 N. Dickey and at 111 N. Vista (891-9088). Mail services are available at the Yokes grocery on Montgomery Ave.