To qualify for the historic register a property must fall into one of the following categories:
2. Embodies the distinctive architectural characteristics of a type, period, style or method of design or construction, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction;
3. Is an outstanding work of a designer, builder, or architect who has made a substantial contribution to the art;
4. Exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's cultural, special, economic, political aesthetic, engineering or architectural history;
5. Is associated with the lives of persons significant in national, state, or local history;
6. Has yielded or may be likely to yield important archaeological information related to history or prehistory;
7. Is a building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the only surviving structure significantly associated with an historic person or event;
8. Is a birthplace or grave of an historical figure of outstanding importance and is the only surviving structure or site associated with that person;
9. Is a cemetery which derives its primary significance from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events, or cultural patterns;
10. Is a reconstructed building that has been executed in an historically accurate manner on the original site; or
11. Is a creative and unique example of folk architecture and design created by persons not formally trained in the architectural or design professions, and which does not fit into formal architectural or historical categories.