Periodic Updates


What is the 2026 Periodic Update?

The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires cities and counties to adopt comprehensive plans and development regulations for their communities. The City of Millwood has adopted a comprehensive plan and development regulations in accordance with the provisions of the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). Additionally, a GMA periodic update of a comprehensive plan and related development regulations must be conducted every ten (10) years. For the current cycle, the City of Millwood is required to complete work on the periodic update by June 30, 2026 - December 31, 2026. The City must make revisions necessary to comply with changes to WA State law, update data and best available science, and may consider changes to the vision, goals, and policies contained in the City Comprehensive Plan.

What is the City of Millwood Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations?

The City of Millwood Comprehensive Plan is a strategic policy framework that sets out the community's vision for future growth and development. It outlines how Millwood will plan for population growth, consider environmental factors, and ensure essential services and facilities are provided to meet the City's needs for the next 20 years. The development regulations are contained in the Millwood Municipal Code (MMC) and they implement the City Comprehensive Plan with zoning regulations, design standards, etc.

Click here to view the current City Comprehensive Plan

Click here to access the Millwood Municipal Code (MMC) to view the current development regulations

Why does the City need to complete a periodic update?

The City of Millwood is undertaking a periodic review of its Comprehensive Plan and applicable Development Regulations that must be completed by June 2026 with Development Regulations pertaining to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Middle Housing, other new Development Regulations, and housekeeping updates for consistency that must be completed by December 2026, as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). The City must be up-to-date with the requirements of the GMA, including the periodic update requirements, to be eligible for grants and loans from certain state infrastructure programs. Additionally, as part of the periodic update, the City will be adding a new Parks and Recreation Element to the City Comprehensive Plan to be eligible for funding through the WA State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for parks, recreation, open space, and trails projects such as the renovation of Millwood City Park that began the Millwood Park Re-imagined planning process in 2022.


The City Council and Planning Commission held a special joint kick-off meeting for the 2026 Periodic Update on July 9, 2024

Click here to view the 2026 Periodic Update Overview Presentation

Click here to view the draft update model ordinance-user guide changes summary for Tier 3 Cities

How can I participate in the 2026 Periodic Update?

The City Council has adopted a Work Plan and a Public Participation Plan for the 2026 Periodic Update to assist the City and the public with completing the periodic update. These documents outline the proposed schedule and public engagement for the 2 year update process beginning in July 2024 and concluding by December 2026.

Click here to view the adopted 2026 Periodic Update Work Plan

Click here to view the adopted 2026 Periodic Update Public Participation Plan

Planning Commission & City Council Agenda Packets are available on the homepage at under Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Thank you for visiting the City's 2026 Periodic Update information booth at Millwood Daze on Saturday, August 24th.

The City had an "Imagine Millwood" activity for kids of all ages!

Click here to view some of the "Imagine Millwood" submittals

Community Survey Results Summary Presentation

Click here to view the community survey results summary

Millwood Land Capacity Analysis (LCA)

As part of the Periodic Update, the Growth Management Act (GMA) and Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County (CWPP), require local governments to complete a Land Capacity Analysis (LCA) which meets the requirements for the Land Capacity Analysis Methodology For Spokane County, adopted in March 2024. Click here to learn more about the LCA and to view a copy of the completed report.

Periodic Update - Current Public Workshop / Public Hearing Notices

Coming soon - next Public Hearing scheduled for April 30, 2025

If you would like to be added to the public notice email list to receive information throughout the periodic update process, please email

How can I learn more about the Growth Management Act and the Periodic Update Process?

Visit the WA State Dept. of Commerce webpage for information on what WA State law requires, components of the update, and educational videos: 

(check back often as requirements are updated and materials are added)

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