Requests may be made by submitting a request form by mail, fax or email to the City Clerk. Requests may also be filed by telephone or in person at the city hall front counter. Click here for the Public Records Request form.
The City of Millwood is governed by the State of Washington Public Records Act (RCW 42.56). This act defines a public record as:
“…any writing containing information relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.” This includes other means of recording including for example pictures, maps, video recordings, diskettes, sound recordings, and electronic documents.
Requests may be made by submitting a request form by mail, fax or email to the City Clerk. Requests may also be filed by telephone or in person at the city hall front counter. Click here for the Public Records Request form.
The City charges 15¢ per page for copies of 8-1/2x”11″ or 8-1/2″x14″ black and white or color pages, and the actual cost of reproduction for other documents, plus postage if applicable.
Responses to requests for public records will be made promptly. Within five business days of receiving a public record request, the City Clerk, designated as the City’s Public Records Official, will respond by either:
- providing the record;
- providing an internet address and link on the city’s web site to the specific records requested. If the requester notifies the City that he or she cannot access the records through the internet, then the City will provide copies of the record or allow the requester to view copies using an agency computer;
- acknowledging that the City has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the City will require to respond to the request; ordenying the public record request.
Additional time required to respond to a request may be based upon the need to clarify the intent of the request, to locate and assemble the information requested, to notify third persons or agencies affected by the request, or to determine whether any of the information requested is exempt and that a denial should be made as to all or part of the request.